Excellent result with ETH on HiveOS
First of all I followed the guide that you can also read on the HiveOS Forum, which I obviously find very well done:
It is a very comprehensive guide with many people answering. I advise you to read it all very well.
I had also managed to mine ETH on HiveOS pool at the speed of 57.10 MH / s per card and it does not necessarily bring them back to that power. However, I had stability problems, perhaps due to the heat or due to the dual mining with Monero by the CPU and the insertion of a 3070 in the miner. You can see the result of the 57 MH / S here:
I was able to get a great result from two Vega 56 and HiveOS graphics cards.
I must say that the Vega are good cards to mine, they consume a little current, but this doesn’t change to me, now this is what you find and we cannot be picky about choosing one or the other card, already so much that find something with which to undermine, let’s take everything and make the most of it
The miner was built with:
Motherboard: Z270X-Gaming K5 Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. (F7a 05/03/2017) CPU: 4 × Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz AES
The BIOS of the GPUs
One is a MSI Vega 56 card, the other is a GIGABYTE Vega 56 graphics card.
Ho scaricato il BIOS della MSI e l’ho caricato dentro al BIOS della GIGABYTE.
I downloaded the MSI BIOS and loaded it into the GIGABYTE BIOS.
I set the CORE to 1140 VDD to 880 MVDD to 1300 MEM to 1050 then I added the Amd men tweak:
amdmemtweak –CL 20 –RC 36 –RP 14 –WR 14 –CWL 8 –FAW 12 –RAS 22 –REF 65000 –RFC 249 –RTP 5 –RRDL 6 –RRDS 3 –WTRL 9 –WTRS 4 –RCDRD 14 –RCDWR 12
56.50 MH / s approximately from two graphics cards leading the machine to mine at approximately 113 MH / s.
Occasionally some card dies. I get the error: teamredminer: GPU 0: detetcted DEAD.
I obviously set up a Hashrate Watchdog configuration so if it feels that the hasrate drops below a certain I will do a quick reboot of the machine in 30 seconds.
Stale share
Every now and then and I think it is really linked to heat, it gives me some problems with invalid shares, but it is a matter of very little compared to what it undermines and in any case we are always below 0.56% of stale share, therefore largely below a maximum of 5% of the HiveOS Pool