It’s been about 3 years since my Hackintosh, when it went on standby and exhumed, no longer produced any sound … conclusion? I spent about 3 years with a dumb Mac … let’s just say that he spoke very little … Every now and then I restarted it, but those who use Mac or Linux in general Unix know that […]
Problem solved, fortunately, on the fly … Often it happens that the iPhone phone connected to one of the USB ports on a Mac OS X begins to play the ringing sound of the connection to the power grid repeatedly, that if you charge and disconnect and go the loop, and that’s right. The problem arises from the little power […]
I searched all over the net how to install my old iBook G4 12.1″ 1.33 GHz PowerPC with: – Broken LCD or rather completely removed, but with the second screen connected via Mini DVI to VGA cable adapter – Without the lid – Without the possibility of closing the lid – The F7 key does not work as a solution […]